October 01, 2014

"Fedora Attraction" LOOKBOOK


One+Of+A+Kind Hat Creation and Styling: Judith Bodart beylerian/ Photography: Gregory Beylerian / Model: John Kharalian


"GYPSY DANDY" Hat...Vintage dark brown fedora from the italian house "Bianchi" customized with raw stone, bone ring, antique button and special metal details.



"CAPSULE" Hat.... Customized Vintage Fedora with found metal pieces, antique button and gold thread.


"MECHANIC" hat ...A sexy, artsy turn on a Vintage fedora. Customized with added mechanic found teal pieces, hand painted details and flowing gold thread playing a free note to this unique creation. Notice the re-shaped of the edges and the wanted tear...rebel expression.

 Art on Print by Gregory Beylerian (gregeorybeylerian.com)